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    I wasn’t always a therapist…


    I spent over 20 years serving as a business executive in the corporate world. I had reached the top of the ladder and was financially well off. I had a nice house, retirement accounts, money in the bank, nice vacations, didn’t stress about paydays. In many ways that success defined me and my “get it done” reputation pulled me deeper into business problem-solving. But, it didn’t feel like enough.

    I have always been involved in giving back, both financially and in regularly volunteering my time with various charities. But even this didn’t feel like enough. I often imagined a different path. One where I used my other talents.

    I contemplated pursuing another path. I would often ask myself and friends “are you really supposed to walk away from all of this?” Most people told me “No!” or “You’ve worked so hard to get here, why would you start over?”

    But I couldn’t shake the still small voice that I knew was God, calling me to do the uncomfortable thing, the unconventional thing. To take up my cross.

    As we tend to do, I put it off. “I will get to it later. I’m busy. I should be happy.” Then one of several defining moments occurred. I was a new mom myself and already had a increased appreciation for time. But then my mother got ovarian cancer and passed away. And the preciousness of time was amplified. I thought about what my grandmother said, that “every day is a gift.” I really started soul searching and kept coming back to a favorite phrase: carpe diem. Seize the day.

    So, I went back to school. Part-time at first. Still not sure I was ready to give up the corporate job, money and security. Hedging my bets a little. Not all in, not all out.

    It was during this time that another defining moment happened. One of my best friends committed suicide. He was the funniest person I knew. And smart. And successful. And had a loving family. He was literally the last person I would have expected could take his own life.

    In a way, his death spurred me to again examine the importance of time. And it was time for me to fully commit to my call to the mental health field, to helping people as my job, not as a part-time endeavor.

    I started off working in drug and alcohol rehabilitation facilities. It was here that I did a lot of couples counseling, too. In addition to anxiety and depression, what I noticed was that many clients had experienced trauma in their lives. Thus began my pursuit of and certification in trauma therapy.


    Now you are at a defining moment in your life — you’re here — looking for help, guidance, support.

    I started Mindy Moore Psychotherapy with the goal of creating a practice that reflects my unique background and special set of skills and understanding of what so many professionals face. My emphasis is on evidence-based treatments which are backed by scientific research, proven to be safe, effective and successful.

    I believe good therapy comes from being very good at a few things, not just ok in all things. Thus my focus is on trauma, couples counseling, substance addiction, executive counseling, and anxiety/depression.

    I don’t treat several mental health issues, and I don’t treat children. I am happy to refer those clients to specialized therapists.


    Choosing the right therapist to help guide you through this defining moment in your life is an important decision.

    My goal is to help clients develop new skills and insights to improve the quality of their lives and relationships.

    My clients are typically high-functioning, motivated, and committed to making changes in their lives. They are usually goal-oriented and so is my approach. I know your time and money are valuable, so establishing goals allows for faster and more effective results. My approach is highly personalized, integrating innovative, evidence-based techniques designed to help clients achieve powerful change.

    The field of psychology is constantly evolving, and being a life-long learner, I keep up with the latest research. It is rewarding to see the benefits in my therapy sessions.

    Of all the awards and recognitions I have received in life thus far, none have been as rewarding as having someone thank me for helping them make positive changes in their life.  These defining moments assure me that I’m following my own true path.


    Contact me today and let’s get to work.


    Service to others is the rent you pay for your room here on earth.

    Muhammad Ali


    Choosing the right therapist to help guide you through this moment in your life is an important decision.

    My goal is to help clients develop new skills and insights to improve the quality of their lives and relationships. To move from surviving to thriving.

    My clients are typically high-functioning, motivated, and committed to making changes in their lives. I know your time and money is valuable, so I try to be goal oriented. This should allow for faster and more effective results. My approach is a highly personalized, integrating innovative, evidenced based techniques to help clients achieve powerful change.

    The field of psychology is constantly evolving. I focus on keeping up with the latest research within the areas of trauma, couples counseling, substance addiction and anxiety/depression. I am proud to say I am a lifelong learner and see the benefits in my therapy sessions.

    So, are you ready for your defining moment? Contact me today and let’s get to work.

    Reach out to me today!

    Please complete the form below to schedule an appointment.
    I will try my best to accommodate your request and will be in touch ASAP.

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